Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Unfeigned love

"Endurance" (2 Corinthians 6:4) is a sense of the faith and of the morality of the Divine new and integral law.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2.14.2017 A.D.

Question 1: "spirit of an unclean demon," (Luke 4:33) supposes the theory of blank*?
"Gracious" (Luke 4:22) is a mora septu.

Question 2: "Zarepath" (Luke 4:26) is the reason for ex fide?
Zerepath is a protosense of Messianic redemption

Question 3: "Synagogue, he" (Luke 4:38)
The resense of the corav of paschal mystery suppositra.

Originalle la Russe

Sunday, February 12, 2017

2.11.2017 A.D.

Question 1: "Region of Damlanutha" (Mark 8:9); did the Apostle Peter know this place?
The 12 apostles proba intellecta is a synoptic.

Question 2:What is the one "human tradition" (Mark 7:8)?
Human law, supposes that the Incarnate God predestines, and supposes a Trinitarian mystery.

Question 3: Is the "demon" (Mark 8:30) a reality of the faith?
The demon is a suppositra that thy exist.

Originalle la RUsse

Saturday, February 11, 2017

2.10.2017 A.D.

Question 1: Is Zecharaiah  (Luke 1:12) a prophet of the Mountain order?
The supposition of the Triune bloodline is based on the science of the faith, and science of sciences.

Question 2: Who is "Gerasenes" (Luke 8:37)?
Gerasenes on divine revelation supposes a Nazarethine theology.

Question 3: What is the genus of a swineherd (Luke 8:34)
Genus based on St. Thomas Aquinas O.P., supposes a morality education based on the presupposition of development of roman Law.

Originalle la Russe

Friday, February 10, 2017


Question 1: "And then the rest, some on planks" (Acts 28:44); explain the planck scale
Plenary indulgence subsist.

Question 2: Explain "Hospitality" (Romans 13:13) in the context of Rabbinical Papacy?
Hospitality simply implies a cognition of Messianic redemption, the interpretation remains Catholic.

Question 3: Is the priesthood irrevocable at what degree? (Romans 12:29)
The priestly ministry by ecclesiastical law cannot be probed according to human law, but on the element of mystical theology.

Originalle la Russe

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Question 1: "Jesus" (John 10:35)'s venerability causes Christian art at what sense?
Jesus' teachings of the Gospel is a sound doctrine.

Question 2: "Son of God" (John 11:4); prove that He is begotten.
The Triune cycle of life, presupposes an eschatology of faith.

Question 3: Who is "Judas the Iscariot" (John 12:4)?
By infamous statement, the Terrestrial advancement of the church, can prove a person's innocence, by reason of biblical theology, thus by statement so far.

Pure Actuality.

2.8.2017 A.D.

Question 1: "High priest" (Mark 2:26) of the angelic Order, is a priest of eternal order, and of the Eucharist explain highness?
"Sinners" (Mark 2:15) do commend themselves without the sufficient cause for Divine.

Question 2: "Even wind and sea obey" (Mark 5:41) that the doctrine might be understood, explain Doctrine.
Doctrine is substantial by grace and by experience."Quiet" (Mark 5:39)

Question 3: Explain the genus of a "Demon" (Mark 8:30)
The Demon deceives according to the latter memory. "For thousand people" (Mark 8:9).

Pure Actuality